Elite Designer Wigs & Hair Extensions


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Tips on Maintaining Your Wig

admin • November 14, 2016
Woman Brushing Her Hair — Miami, FL & Sunrise, FL — Elite Designer Wigs & Hair Extensions

Many people own wigs to change up their style from time to time. Others have a collection of wigs because they are involved in film or theatre communities. Regardless of why you have wigs, it is vital that you take proper care of them so that they continue looking great for years to come.

Step-by-Step Process

Wigs can lose their luster if they are not cleaned every once in a while. However, you do not want to simply dunk your wigs in a bathtub full of water and call it a day. Here is the proper way to clean wigs.

  • Run a comb through the wigs so that you detangle any knots.
  • Rinse the wigs thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  • Apply shampoo, making sure to lather it into the roots.
  • Squeeze the wig to remove any excess water.
  • Apply conditioner, and leave it on the wig for five minutes.
  • Rinse the wig against with lukewarm water.
  • Place the wig on a stand and allow it to dry.

For shampoo and conditioner, make sure you get items that are specifically designed for wigs so that you get the best results possible. You need to take care of your wigs often the same way you take care of your own hair. Find some stellar wigs and hair extensions by contacting Elite Designer Wigs and Hair Extensions in Miami at 305-964-5605.

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